- The screenplay for the film is written by Dominik Sedlar, born in Zagreb and educated in the USA. Among other things, this year he completed the feature film Vindicta as a screenwriter and director;
- Oscar-winner Barry Morrow signs the script as its supervisor;
- The director of the film is Jakov Sedlar, a recipient of multiple international and domestic awards;
- Actors: Tim Roth and Armand Assante, along with about 40 British, Spanish, and Croatian actors;
- Type of film: a film based on a true event;
- Genre: Drama – Thriller – War;
- Language: English;
- Duration: 100 – 120 minutes;
- Filming duration for 260 DAYS: 33 days (May 27th – June 28th, 2024);
- Filming locations: Osijek, Gorjani, Đakovo, Punitovci (Osijek-Baranja County);
- Post-production of the film will take place in Hollywood;
- Duration of Hollywood post-production: 3-6 months;
- The planned release of 260 DAYS is in the spring of 2024;

Screenwriter of 260 Days

I ja i svi moji suradnici spremni smo napraviti sve da se napokon napravi jedan pravi, autentični film na temu stradanja Hrvata u Domovinskom obrambenom ratu.

Roman 260 DANA Marijan Gubina tretira kao knjigu samopomoći te je i sam često koristi kao vrstu priručnika u svojim mnogobrojnim predavanjima koji za cilj imaju i motivirati ljude različite dobi i svjetonazora

“The novel ‘260 DAYS’ is exceptional for a number of reasons. In the opinion of many, it is the best book about the suffering of Croats in the Homeland War, the most authentic as literature. The novel has been printed several times in Croatia, translated into several world languages, and all comments about its literary quality (which is based on the fate of the writer and victim Marijan Gubina) are truly brilliant. This novel has left no one indifferent to everything that Marijan and his family went through, so it’s no surprise that the time has finally come for this novel to be adapted into a production at the highest international level.”

“…I read the book 260 DAYS once, then a second time, then a third time, I read it, Marijan, six times. It will be a top-notch film, we just need to make it a bit milder compared to the book.”

“After watching the premiere of the play ‘260 DAYS’ at the Croatian National Theatre, I was overwhelmed with emotions that were incredibly powerfully depicted on stage, from the initial idyll, through horror, to unconditional forgiveness that sends a message about the capacity for forgiveness in a world of madness, which we still witness today. After watching the performance for the second time, I, too, as an exile, defender, and participant in the Homeland War, was certain that this incredible story of forgiveness needed to be told to the whole world and left as a legacy to Croatian generations, so that it may never be forgotten… that’s why I suggested to Marijan to make the film ‘260 DAYS’, so this incredible story of forgiveness for all such terrible wartime horrors that destroyed so many fates in this region could be told. Today, so many years after that conversation, it is an exceptional honor for me to be able to participate in the creation of the film ‘260 DAYS’ with such a good and reputable team that Marijan and Jakov have assembled.”

“The book 260 DAYS is a fantastic template for a movie that can be relevant all over the world!”

“260 DAYS is an incredible book that reminds us of the horrors of the war against Croatia, but also about how evil can be very close to us without us being aware. Congratulations to Mr. Gubina for the strength and courage to tell this story!”

“I have just read the screenplay for the feature film ‘260 DAYS’. Prior to that, I read the book which deeply moved me. In my opinion, the screenplay is an excellent template for a film that has great potential, so I would be pleased if I were to be engaged to play one of the roles in it as an actor.”

“I was deeply moved by Marijan Gubina’s book. That’s why I decided to invest in the making of a film that can be important for explaining recent Croatian history.”

“After reading the screenplay for the film ‘260 DAYS,’ I decided to become an investor in another one of Jakov’s films. I believe it is an excellent story that will be watched worldwide.”

„So far, I have invested in several films made by Jakov Sedlar. I have always had both material and patriotic satisfaction. I think the film “260 DAYS” will be very special in every sense, so I am once again among those who will invest their funds in its realization. In fact, I was the first when I received the screenplay with the offer.’